Welcome to the Home Page of
Dale Elgert Yeatts, Ph.D.


Department of Sociology

College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (CLASS)
University of North Texas

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This is a picture I took of about 500,000 people in Hong Kong holding their annual service for those who lost their lives during the Tiananmen Square uprising in Beijing in 1989. While working with grad students at Tsinghua University in Beijing, I learned that many Chinese college students today are unaware that the unhappy events of Tiananmen Square ever took place. But, until recently, the Chinese government allowed those who live in Hong Kong to continue having the freedoms they had when Hong Kong was ruled by Great Britain. Unhappily, the Chinese government in 2019-2020 took control of Hong Kong's ruling bodies, reducing the people's freedom.

On a lighter note, here's a picture of my granddaughter at Halloween, 2020 and my son and her sister, 2022.  

Courses currently taught in the classroom:
(Please note that many files such as syllabi are in PDF format - You can obtain a free copy of the PDF software that will allow you to read PDF files by going to the following:  Free Adobe Acrobat Reader)

 1510:  Introduction to Sociology

3120: Health and Illness/Medical Sociology 

3200: Sociological Theory

3280: Quantitative methods

4170: Environmental Sociology

4550: Sociology of Aging

6702/5702: Environmental Sociology

6300/5700: Health and Aging

6200: Teaching Sociology 

Courses taught in the past:

3300: Research Methods

 3800: Sociology of Work

5030:Complex Organizations

5200: Reseach Methods and Design

5780: Multivariate Statistics/Regression Analysis

Courses taught over the internet:

Federal, State, and Local Programs for the Elderly

Research Methods and Design

Information about the University of North Texas:
University of North Texas
College of Arts and Science
Department of Sociology

Finding a job with a degree in Sociology

Information about Dale Yeatts
Curriculum Vita
(includes grants received, publications)

Overview of Academic Activities

             YEATTS ANALYTICS (Paul Yeatts)
Statistical Assistance
Research Methods Development
Grant Proposals, Dissertations